Aug 29, 2013

So Fresh & So Clean-Clean

Okay, I've done it! 
Everything is fresh and new! 

New Blog Name and URL

New Design

New Twitter Name 

New Tumblr Name and URL

Soon...New Bloglovin Name (waiting to have the URL changed)

I've been messing with HTML and CSS constantly the last few days, it's a great learning experience. I used a lot of the tips from Something Swanky. She has great tips! I'm still trying to get a "BACK TO TOP" button, and at some point I plan to make a new "GRAB BUTTON" and finish the "ABOUT ME SECTION".

I would love to fill up the side bar more. If you have any suggestions or a cute grab button, comment and let me know!

What do you think?

Aug 26, 2013

All I Want Is Something New

I'm getting ready to change everything about my blog: new look, new layout and NEW NAME. The blog used to be something completely different and the name no longer applies, and clearly my layout and design doesn't match the name.

So here's what I need from all of you bloggers!
  1. How did you come up with a clever name? Do you like names with "THE", ones that represent the blog or just quirky ones that intrigue you?
  2. What colors do you find most appealing? Bright ones? Neutrals? Do you like blogs that are filled with a lot of color/designs or minimalist ones?
  3. Are "About Me" sections important? Do you read them?
  4. Is there a way to fiddle with the design and layout without the blog looking hectic and broken for hours at a time?
  5. What other tips do you have?

I'd really love the help! I tend to second guess all of my ideas and flip flop back and forth, so making any decision is pretty difficult.  


Music Monday #3::Natalia Kills


Missed a week? Recap now!
MM #1::The Weeknd
MM #2::Ed Sheeran + True Tiger
What music are you crazy about this week?
Leave a comment below!

Aug 25, 2013

Spending Bans


Piddling around the LBLOGGERS tag, I've noticed that a number of bloggers have weekly posts focusing on their spending habits. Many have detailed lists of every dollar they've spent, and more importantly, how exactly they've blown their budget. There always seems to be a new post or tweet letting the world know about the AMAZING item they'd run out to buy, if they weren't pinching their pennies. I think these type of posts are quite interesting since I don't have every feel the need to put have a limit or a band. I don't need to because I have a fear of spending money.

I accept the fact that I am what you would call CHEAP. The thought of wasting money on non-essential things makes me itch. I'll peruse online shops for hours, contemplating how much I would actually use something until ultimately deciding that it's never worth the money. Unless something is necessary, I won't spend a dollar. I’d rather wait for movies to make their way to the television than buy them. I’d rather wear out my library card than pay for a new book (except for Harry Potter obviously), and you better believe that I won't spend five dollars on a Starbucks drink, even if it is a Peppermint Christmas Mocha. I am so cheap that I let my hoopty of a car turn twenty years old and break down four times in one week before I even thought about buying a new one. 

It's been pointed out that I'm not the typical girl since I rarely go shopping for clothes. I really try to avoid it at all costs; I can't even tell you the last time I went out with the intention of bringing home something shiny and new. My best guess is that it's been over a year and it was just for a few Target tank tops. I stick with what I like and they tend to last for years. I reuse old, tattered clothes to lounge in at home, and I take care of the newer items, wearing them for as long as possible. Give me a hoodie, track shorts and flip flops and I'm set ten months of the year. This is probably why I have little interest in real “fashion” opinions. No matter how much I love something, I will most likely think of reasons NOT to buy it. But soon I will be forced to go out into the world and find new clothes since I've lost 25 pounds and nothing fits anymore. I can't even prepare myself! I'm expecting a panic attack and a few hot flashes at the checkout counter.

Even when I must buy something, you know that I'll have a coupon. Classy right? I feel like one of those crazy coupon fanatics on TLC. I'll search endleslly through newspapers and all over the internet for coupons before heading to the grocery store. I love to save that $1. If I’m shopping online, I won't “checkout” without making sure that I've found the best promo code and I've gotten the best discount. My number one frugal tool is a site called EBATES. This nugget of savings represents over 1,600 stores and when you use them as a go-between, you get a percentage back. Earning money for shopping is the greatest concept ever thought of. I just cashed my second EBATES check and it brought a tear to my eye.

There are three main reasons as to why I'm so frugal...
  1. I have an irrational fear of being poor/homeless. I think that life can turn in such unexpected ways that I would much rather have a nice cushion to fall onto if something terrible happens. I don’t want to spend my money willy-nilly just to wake up one day and worry.
  2. I would rather have money to travel with than spend it on physical items. A purse from ASOS is half the price of a plane ticket to Seattle, and Coach sunglasses are a hotel room in New York for a night.
  3. I don’t really feel like I need a lot, I don’t get into fads so I’m happy with just the essentials. It took me years to finally get an IPOD because when mp3 players first came out, I was perfectly happy with my CDs. And these days with music players in phones, I feel like my $200 spent in 2006 was wasted (that’s a tad irrational I know).  
If I were ever a millionaire, I think I’d only live in a small condo, still couponing and shopping for bargains. I’ve recently watched a few episodes of House Hunters International and was completely flabbergasted by a couple willing to spend millions on a 900 square foot apartment. You might as well just burn your money. If I were a millionaire and felt secure in my future, I’d be more likely to donate my money than spend it on things that I didn’t need.

Aug 24, 2013

A Bionic Workout

Getting a good workout while having a bionic body can be hard; being unable to bend my spine means that I can't do most exercises. After years of trying, I've finally figured out how to stay fit (or try to) with a spinal fusion. These are some of the exercises that I've found in the last few years that will even work for the non-bionic.

**Obviously, I'm not a fitness expert, but these are what have worked for me.**
**Some I've come across, but most I've learned in physical therapy.**


All you will need are some resistance bands, a few sets of low weight barbels and a yoga mat.

The most important thing that you can do for your body is stretch, it's even more important that strength training. It's easy to forget about keeping our muscles loose, after all, some of them aren't used that often. When the muscles become tight, they tend to pull on the bones, and unfortunately for us with our cement like bodies, most stretches are off limits. In our post-fusion years, it's important to find stretches that are able to be done without relying on the need to bend in every which way.
Since having a growth spurt as a child, my hamstring muscles and hamstring tendons have become very tight and will ache if I don't stretch them many times throughout the day...every day. It's more important now with my fusion to consistently work on my legs muscles to prevent them from pulling down on the pelvis, twisting the one bendable area into awkward positions and creating a pain that reminds me too much of scoliosis.

While stretching, I usually go with the idea of working towards the splits, even if I won't actually be able to achieve them. Having loose tendons and muscles relieves pain and makes the body feel like it isn't stuck in one position like The Tin Man. I stretch focusing on my lower half three or four times a day, doing each of the examples below and holding them for thirty seconds. As I go, there is less pain and I'm able to stretch farther and farther.
To push your muscles and tendons even more, try resistance bands. They are great in pulling different parts of the body in various directions to get a better stretch. I like to use them for my shoulder joints before weight training, as well as loosening the ankles and hips.


After the fusion, the number one rule that is drilled in day after day is "Don't lift more than ten pounds!" Constant reminders and the fear of busting a screw leaves bionics with flabby, gelatinous arms and backs. But there is hope! By using specific moves, toned arms are just a few pounds away. It's important to start light, especially during the first year post-op. I always had a fear of breaking a screw while trying to lift a two pound barbel; any cracking sound was horrifying.
Strong shoulders and upper arms help to promote healing and prevents future issues in the thoracic and lumbar spine. When the back becomes weak and loses muscle tone, it can cause painful spasms which pull the body into unnatural positions (my shoulder wing reappeared), allowing for that dull ache to return. Before I was on a constant workout regimen, I relied completely on muscle relaxers for my severe spasms.

The bum is the one area that even we can do without making too many changes. These moves work similar to yoga; each exercise uses both balance and your own weight to strengthen your booty and leg muscles. Since none of them require the use of heavy weights or bending the spine (maybe excluding the last one), it's perfect for fusions.
Lunges and squats are great for the bum, lower back and legs, especially if you want muscular legs and a bigger booty. The one thing to remember is to keep the arms out in-front of you to create a center of gravity and to stabilize your body. Remember, we tend to act like Weeble Wobbles, but we do fall down. A great way to think about it is a ballerina mid-plie (a move which is also great for stubborn inner thigh fat).
Each of the exercises below work the booty, legs and back. A strong lumbar region helps the body to remain straight without straining, and the following moves also help with the dreaded love handles (or muffin top).
Full Instructions

The trickiest of all areas has got to be the abs. Unable to bend the back, most abdominal workouts are completely impossible. However, the plank is the easiest and most efficient bionic exercise that we have. Everything comes down to pure strength without having to rely on repetitive motion and bending. The best part of all is there are a number of ways to increase difficulty, either by going longer, lifting an arm or a leg and even changing positions entirely.
Depending on the amount of the fusion, half or full spine, other exercises are possible. Thoracic fusions allow for almost every type of crunch or sit up, while lumbar or full fusion mean that you're a tad out of luck. Having a full fusion has had me looking for additional work out ideas, and as it turns out, reverse crunches of any kind are easily done with a fusion since they focus is on the use of the lower part of your abdomen and your legs. They along with scissor crunches are normally done to strengthen the lower abs and reduce a belly pooch, meaning anyone (even normal people) can benefit from them.
Full Instructions

It's important to listen to your body. There's too much a stake to ignore small signs of problems. If during an exercise something feels off, stop doing it! No one wants to go through another surgery. Wait a bit (maybe a day) and try again later. If you your body is feeling tight, spend a bit of time stretching to work out the kinks, and when there is an area that is constantly sore, work on it a few days a week. Never over do it. Better to be safe than sorry

Do you have any exercise ideas or suggestions? 
Leave a comment below and let everyone know!

Aug 13, 2013

The 4 Stages of Hair Loss

I've occasionally written about my recent hair loss. The last few months have had it's ups and downs as I've dealt with seeing more of my hair everywhere else than on my head. It took four months for the medication to start messing with my hair, and now that I'm off it and technically "healthy", I'm just waiting for it to end.
Stage 1: The hell?
At the beginning, the couple of strands that come out now and again isn't
that terrible, just a little more on the brush in the mornings. It's noticeable,
 but all you think is, "what is this?"

But anything falling out is a little disconcerting to be honest.

Stage 2: Oh shit
All of a sudden your hair decides that it wants to go. It's ready to peace out and
just like a spiteful ex, it leaves and takes everything with it. A few days of hair comes out
in one brush stroke and you start to realize that shit is about to go down. It's time to get a
little pissed off, especially at that friend who continually complains about having hair that is
 too long and thick.

Stage 3: Panic
Now you're starting to see little bald patches, and weeks worth of hair is coming out every
day. There are strands on the floor, on your clothes, all over your body... your hair is everywhere.
You have about as much hair as a child. It's now the time to cry since there is basically no hope.

Stage 4: Whatever, Over it
This whole hair loss thing is now old and tired. It's gone so far that you just don't care
 anymore. It already looks strange so what is a little more? The only thing to look forward
 to is the day that you'll be able to run your fingers through without coming back
with a handful of hair.

Maybe it will grow back, maybe it won't.
But if all else fails, go out and get The Farrah.

Aug 12, 2013

Music Monday #2:::True Tiger + Ed Sheeran

I love Ed Sheeran.
But what is better than Regular Sheeran?
Dubstep Sheeran.

The combination of his soulfully sweet lyrics, True Tiger's fast paced electronic beats
 and the occasional English rap artist is an unforeseen storm of perfection.

Aug 11, 2013

The Battle Of The Big Brothers

It's that time of year again!

It just isn't summer without becoming overly invested in the lives of a group of complete strangers trapped inside a sound stage. There are versions of the show all over the world, and as I've become a little too interested in the different series, I have say that some countries are clearly winning, while some should probably bow out now.

Oh America. This season of Big Brother is absolutely awful. I'm quite curious to know how this vile group conned their way onto the show. Besides the racist, sexist and horrifically inappropriate comments, all they seem to do is talk excessive amounts of shit and mercilessly terrorize the contestants who are deemed as weak. I'm ready for it to be over. Try again next year CBS. 

If you somehow haven't heard about this awful bunch, here is just a taste.

From the beginning I was rooting for Judd, Howard and Candice as they were the only genuine people in the house. Jessie quickly grew on me when I realized just how simple she really is; all the girl wants is a showmance and some alcohol. She's been without both for most of the last six weeks and this has her constantly melting down like a giant toddler. It's impossible to dislike her. What really pushed me towards #TeamJessie was the constant bullying that she's had to endure from the vicious group of mean girls. As she is my only remaining favorite, I really hope that she wins for no other reason than to say "F' you".


Needing a Big Brother fix, I decided to check out The UK's version, and let me tell you, it's absolutely fantastic. In BBUK there is no plotting or backstabbing; the whole point of the show is to be entertaining as the public is voting rather than the housemates. What a concept! Even without having the need to scheme and strategize, the house is in a constant state of turmoil and their drama is often explosive. The biggest shocker this season has been the scandal centered on the salacious affair between Daley and Hazel. What started as a simple crush, quickly turned into an inappropriate flirtation that resulted in Daley's removal from the show for exhibiting threatening behavior. It's been weeks since the fateful night and the house is still reeling over the event destined to be known only as "The Daley Situation".

The best part of this season has been watching what enrages the BBUK housemates. This bunch has a tendency to go off at the drop of a hat; the mere suggestion of someone "being aggressive" will destroy the strongest relationship, and if a housemate forgets to hold the door for another it's viewed as a personal attack against their entire family. If you don't have proper British manners in this game, you better be prepared for weekly nominations.

Throughout the summer I've definitely been a fan of the cartoon character that is Gina, as well as the sly and devious Dexter who has managed to survive eight straight weeks of evictions. While they both are cooky and incredibly entertaining, my absolute favorite has always been Sam. Even though he is one of the youngest on the show, he doesn't play into the high-school behavior that tends to happen when you've been locked inside a house for two months. At this point he is completely over all of the bullshit; anytime someone comes to complain to him, he simply stares back looking incredibly disinterested. He is sick of the Hazel-Charlie-Gina drama (aren't we all), and the constant "wos yor problem mate?" from Sophie is so far beneath him. Sam will hopefully win since he seems to be the only housemate having any fun. Give him a lager and little sun to lie in and he is the happiest Welsh boy in the world.


The cherry on The Big Brother sundae this summer (or winter?) has been Australia. Out of the three it has the most entertaining group as a whole. The season kicked off a few weeks ago with the terribly awkward "Marriage Task" of Drew and Jade. These complete strangers spent an entire week masquerading as a newlywed couple, sharing a bed and playing up the PDA in order to avoid eviction. At times they slipped and became rather unconvincing, but no matter what happened, you couldn't help but love them. It was clear from the get-go that poor Drew fell for Jade, but since the beginning she's made a point to refer to him as "her bestie", often reminding him that he isn't her type and how disgusting his hair smells. Poor Drew, he has definitely been sent to the ultimate Big Brother Friendzone and he is never breaking free. Lucky for him (and for us all) he has Tim who is undoubtedly the quirkiest housemate of the year. While I originally found him to be over-the-top obnoxious, I now find him completely hilarious. Tim is the one person willing to do just about anything in order entertain himself and the viewers; he doesn't give a damn about being liked which makes him the perfect antagonist for The Big Brother House. He entered the game ready to play the villain and he completely embodied the role by sadistically withholding food from the halfway house during the first week of the show. "Why should we feed them, we won't have as much food over here? Don't give them anything." He is a strange mix of a Berkley hippie and an 80's hair-band guitarist, even admitting to being intrigued by the idea of marrying a dolphin. He is a riddle wrapped in an enigma and I can't wait to watch his antics every night. But the winner of the show has got to be the precious human being Ben. He's an unemployed flight attendant who carries on conversations with the photos of his mom and gran. He even cried when he thought that the house was mad at him for believing in the "Drade" charade. Ben reminds me of a socially awkward grown man who lives with his mother in New York City. I can imagine the pair of them dressing up in smelly old fur coats and covering themselves in fake diamonds as they head out hand-in-hand to a Broadway show. His overly masculine alpha-male character that he portrays while wearing Tim's clothes is absolutely brilliant and he deserves a show centered on his life. He has to be the winner.

 Which series is your favorite?
Leave a comment and let me know!

Aug 10, 2013

A Grown Up Dream Home

For the last few weeks, my ENTIRE life has been spent looking for jobs. I've applied to all sorts of different places in San Francisco, Silicon Valley, Portland and even Oakland. I'm willing to go anywhere, I'm ready for the adventure. The second that I send out a new resume, I immediately go on a "wishful thinking" apartment know, just to see what's out there. I never realized how expensive it is to live in California. A one bedroom apartment in San Francisco is $1300+, Silicon Valley is $1100+, but in Portland you can get a beautiful two bedroom apartment (with washer and dryer!) for $900. Come on! How fantastic is that? It would be like living in an Oregonian palace.

I can't wait to decorate a new place, I'm probably more excited about that than anything. I've always chosen to leave my spaces bare because I figured that it was smarter to save the money. This time I want to go all out and make it cozy and wonderful. I've gone a little Pinterest crazy getting ready for the move...whenever that happens.

I like The Hampton's beach style; bright, airy and simple.
 I seem to be very anti-color. Whatever, I love it.

Obviously I won't be able to have all of these in an apartment, but place likes these are what I lean towards when looking. I always bookmark the listings with large windows, bright open floor plans and lighter kitchens.

To supplement my apartment search, I've become a tad obsessed with Urban Outfitter's Apartment section lately. I prefer a traditional style home, but I still love quirky chotchkies and pieces that are a bit different. I think that I'll need a bit of whimsy sprinkled about here and there. But not a lot...let's not get crazy.


I don't even drink, but this corkscrew is fantastic!

Buzzfeed seems to always have some relevant list to my life. 
Today they posted "16 Worst Parts About The Job Hunt".  
To read the list, click here.

Aug 5, 2013

Music Monday #1:::The Weeknd

Official Site

I've been meaning to share an artist who I've been loving lately. Seeing as it's Monday, I think that it's the perfect time to start Music Monday.

Last weekend I drove up the coast to Oregon. Before I left, I frantically searched for some new tunes to keep me entertained for the twelve hour drive. I somehow found this Canadian kid who sounds like the Michael Jackson incarnate. He is Abel Tesfaye, otherwise known as The Weeknd. He is a bit of a mix of Trey Songz with the feel of Justin Timberlake's Sexy Back Album. I can just put his music on and get lost.

Aug 3, 2013

The Graduate Apocalypse


There was once a time when the world was bright and beautiful. A magical time, now only memory, long since faded away. Life hasn't been the same since I was heartlessly abandoned by my university, clutching my college degree, sobbing alone in the dark. The warm and comforting swaddle of college has now been replaced by the cold barbaric slap of the real world.

It's a fight to survive...It's a fight to the death....It's a fight for JOBS!

With my diploma hanging comfortably on the wall, I have (reluctantly) jumped head first into the unknown waters of adulthood, a place where I feel woefully unprepared. It wasn't until I began the arduous task of job hunting that I realized just how little I know about a post-grad career. My mind is now littered with questions and I'm completely lost within a dense fog of confusion.
  1. How do I write a proper resume?
    A standard application was all I ever needed before now. All of a sudden I must describe every academic and professional achievement? I've just spent five years in college on The Dean's Honor List. College was my job!
  2. How do I write a cover letter?
    You're telling me I have to create a whole separate document to supplement the other page of achievements and qualifications? But some say that it's needed and some say it's completely pointless. Maybe it will get you the job; maybe it will be ripped off and thrown into the trash. What do I do!?
  3. But wait one second, what exactly is a cover letter to begin with?
    I think I've figured it out, though it probably took half my life to understand. It's basically a way to editorialize my achievements in order to persuade the potential employer into choosing my dazzling talents over everyone else. It feels a bit like an online dating profile.  
  4. Where do I search for jobs?
    Even with the Internet it's difficult to find the perfect job, or any job in which you fulfill at least a few of the requirements. How did people do this before? I've found Monster, Craigslist and Indeed for the mass job searches, but they're just a small portion of the endless and intimidating ocean.
  5. So...I'm actually unqualified for everything?
    For some reason I thought that my degree would matter. Scouring the interwebs has made it quite clear that unless you have a fantastic degree, 10 years of experience AND the blood of a sacrificed virgin, there's absolutely no point in should probably just give up now and apply to McDonald's instead. Entry level positions are extremely hard to come by and they seem to be disguised as "unpaid internships".
  6. So...I actually won't have a plan after college?
    I changed majors four times before I graduated with an unwanted degree. Wasn't I supposed to have everything figured out at 18? Isn't that why I was forced to choose a major and sell my soul on the first day of college?
  7. What do I do when I don't want to use my degree?
    Will someone outside of my field want me, despite not having their desired degree? Will someone just give me a chance!?
  8. Panic?
I've been searching for awhile now and I'm having trouble finding a job; maybe it's because I'm always forgetting the virgin sacrifice...they're awfully hard to come by these days. Most likely it's because I'm my own worst enemy. Since I no longer desire to finish credentialing and become a teacher, my degree is pretty useless. Googling "Liberal Studies Careers" explains the harsh reality of an inevitable minimum-wage life in retail. Unless I surrender to the educational system, my degree is 100% pointless. My other issue is my inability to choose, well, just about anything. My gypsy spirit combined with my unwavering LIFE-A.D.D has me overwhelmed with too many interests and no way to pin them down. I've looked into...
  • Social media
  • Entry level writing
  • Travel writing
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Pretty much everything in between or a combination of the above

Luckily I am not the only disillusioned soul running about the job market. It seems that we're all a bit lost and unsure of where to go. It's The Graduate Apocalypse...we're walking around aimlessly, fighting for the few scraps that we find. We're all just trying to survive. The Zombie Apocalypse probably would have been a bit easier. At least then there'd be a set plan....DON'T DIE! Yes, so much easier than searching desperately for that perfect job, you know the one that just happens to be located in an exciting city, with full benefits and a swanky apartment.


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