Aug 29, 2013

So Fresh & So Clean-Clean

Okay, I've done it! 
Everything is fresh and new! 

New Blog Name and URL

New Design

New Twitter Name 

New Tumblr Name and URL

Soon...New Bloglovin Name (waiting to have the URL changed)

I've been messing with HTML and CSS constantly the last few days, it's a great learning experience. I used a lot of the tips from Something Swanky. She has great tips! I'm still trying to get a "BACK TO TOP" button, and at some point I plan to make a new "GRAB BUTTON" and finish the "ABOUT ME SECTION".

I would love to fill up the side bar more. If you have any suggestions or a cute grab button, comment and let me know!

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Whoop whoop! I'm on my phone right now but I can't wait to check it out in my ipad when I get home!



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