Aug 13, 2013

The 4 Stages of Hair Loss

I've occasionally written about my recent hair loss. The last few months have had it's ups and downs as I've dealt with seeing more of my hair everywhere else than on my head. It took four months for the medication to start messing with my hair, and now that I'm off it and technically "healthy", I'm just waiting for it to end.
Stage 1: The hell?
At the beginning, the couple of strands that come out now and again isn't
that terrible, just a little more on the brush in the mornings. It's noticeable,
 but all you think is, "what is this?"

But anything falling out is a little disconcerting to be honest.

Stage 2: Oh shit
All of a sudden your hair decides that it wants to go. It's ready to peace out and
just like a spiteful ex, it leaves and takes everything with it. A few days of hair comes out
in one brush stroke and you start to realize that shit is about to go down. It's time to get a
little pissed off, especially at that friend who continually complains about having hair that is
 too long and thick.

Stage 3: Panic
Now you're starting to see little bald patches, and weeks worth of hair is coming out every
day. There are strands on the floor, on your clothes, all over your body... your hair is everywhere.
You have about as much hair as a child. It's now the time to cry since there is basically no hope.

Stage 4: Whatever, Over it
This whole hair loss thing is now old and tired. It's gone so far that you just don't care
 anymore. It already looks strange so what is a little more? The only thing to look forward
 to is the day that you'll be able to run your fingers through without coming back
with a handful of hair.

Maybe it will grow back, maybe it won't.
But if all else fails, go out and get The Farrah.


  1. Such a well written post, love the gifs!! Xx
    Also I've nominated you for The Liebster Award :D If you haven't already been nominated and would like to answer my questions, click here for the link

    H @ Higher&Haya

  2. Hey you!! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a Liebster Award! I have more info and stuff on my blog.



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